Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Linux haters are like maggots in wounds eating at rotting dead tissue.

Linux haters are senile and keep posting here where visions of dead relatives or dead twin roam slowly.

MADE OF TAR blog is filled with purpose and awesome new post!

Long Live MADE OF TAR blog!


Anonymous said...

I love this site. But as much as I do, you seem to have a misunderstanding.

The Linux Haters Blog is merely a satirical place. Don't take things seriously.

tar said...

Take it seriously. The reaction may be a "party" to the other end end, rather than cause to take steps.

Anonymous said...

You coming back, bro?

Anonymous said...

The Linux Haters Blog is merely a satirical place. Don't take things seriously.

No, it's not. Still butthurt that you keep getting driven off because no one cares to hear your shit? Stick to your raceguy/niggerguy sockpuppet as it is at least somewhat amusing.

Anonymous said...

I'm still amused that you are still at it.

Shitstorms from nametards are the reason why I left in the first place.